
4:00 PM



在我们繁忙的生活中,养成长度足以让人养成灵魂地参加生活的习惯,但在我们繁忙的生活中似乎很难做到,但日记是一种以最深刻的方式为自己回家的兴趣方法。日记can be one of the simplest daily practices that help remind us why we’re here—a spacious reflection that allows us to soften, open, and arrive at the very depth of our spirituality, depths that can’t be reached from behind the walls we build. When engaged as a self-care practice, journaling enables us to acknowledge our feelings without interfering with them, and it’s in this process of noticing, of plunging ourselves into this experience no matter how tender and difficult, that we get moved closer to home, healing, greater intuition, and better communication.

甚至研究建议日记为我们的健康有益。德克萨斯大学奥斯汀心理学家和研究员詹姆斯潘纳克斯坦克思想,经常杂志加强称为T淋巴细胞的免疫细胞,以及降低哮喘和类风湿性关节炎的症状。关于压力事件的写作有助于您来与他们联系,从而减少这些压力源对您身体健康的影响。写作我们的心灵,我们的问题,我们的恐惧有助于将它们远离我们的位置远离我们,向我们提供透视和范围,以管理那些看似精美的情绪状态。We’re able to leave a mark for ourselves, almost like we’re leaving a trail, so when we go back to it—in a week, in a month, in a year, in a decade—there will be wisdom there waiting for us. We can travel through time, we can handle that person, we can heal that person, and we can help that person bring forth into right this moment more solace and more confidence.

通过日记业获得的其他有利度是“见证”意识之一,或一种自我观察的状态,即在冥想的时刻可轻松 - 当我们只是呼吸,听取和注意到时的时刻。日记也可以让我们可以访问自己的最内心的老师,这是多年似乎无法实现和无法进入的智慧。我们可以通过我们自己的话语看,我们可以将我们的学习和我们的理解整合,以全面地将每日混淆,巧合和庆祝活动纳入一般的方式。

日记的自我保健实践也可以被视为侵犯法案。As a parent, self-care is particularly highlighted because if we don’t take care of ourselves, if we don’t do the little things that we do to help ourselves be this steady beacon for our family, we’re of no use. We can become frustrated, volatile, and temperamental. When we do take care of ourselves though, it feels like we’re doing something. It’s not just generous for us, but it’s altruistic for our family. When the moment comes and the hard edge would normally be thrown up into the space, we can actually stay quite soft, yet hold our ground. It’s important momentum to be offering to our loved ones.


There is the value of the practices that we do, and whether we’re journaling, reading, meditating, studying, or practicing yoga, the value of all these little practices is that they each allow us to gain and to gather insights into our own minds—our own patterns—behaviors that aren’t helpful. Through journaling and these other practices, we can learn to refine our own voice and vision, and recognize what makes our hearts happy. We can learn to invite the circumstances, insights, and energetic connections that will help us to be of service, and help to heal ourselves and the world around us.



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