母亲 //www.gunsameica.com 8月31日星期二17:44:27 +0000 每小时 1. https://wordpress.org/?v=5.2.4 50+有趣的件刷新孩子的房间 //www.gunsameica.com/kids-room-decor-2021/ //www.gunsameica.com/kids-room-decor-2021/#respond 8月31日星期二17:30:43 +0000 凯蒂Hintz-Zambrano 生活 最新的 //www.gunsameica.com/?p=133626

< p >的<一个rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.gunsameica.com/kids-room-decor-2021/ " > 50 +有趣的片段刷新孩子房间< / >第一次出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.gunsameica.com " > < / >。< / p > src="//www.gunsameica.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/KIDS-ROOM.jpg" class=" attach- full size-full wp-post-image" alt="" style="margin:10px auto;< span style =" font - family:宋体;"在这个国家的许多地方,开学了,一个新的季节来到了我们身边。随着夏秋交替,人们常常渴望在日常生活中提神醒脑——而且是在家里。这就是为什么我们推出了一系列的室内概述,将为你的空间,一个房间一个房间地呼吸新鲜空气。虽然我们已经覆盖了托儿所,现在我们要转移到您较大的孩子的空间,有超过50件儿童房间的装饰和家具,肯定会让不同年龄的人高兴。从双层床和墙上的挂饰到舒适的床上用品和兼作装饰品的玩具。享受吧!

需要更多的想法吗?查看这些小书桌是非常适合在家里学习的,加上桌面配件 !

The post 50+ Fun Pieces To Refresh The Kids Room首先出现在MOTHER.

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如何度过另一个前所未有的学年的10条建议 //www.gunsameica.com/back-to-school-tips-2021/ //www.gunsameica.com/back-to-school-tips-2021/#respond 2021年8月27日星期五18:00:45+0000 凯蒂Hintz-Zambrano 母亲 //www.gunsameica.com/?p=133619




今年的返校背包看起来与往年有点不同。Daybreak健康临床主任Allyson Holmes Knight博士建议:“帮助您的孩子创建一个个人安全工具包,放在他们的背包中,并配备额外的口罩、洗手液和抗菌湿巾,您的孩子可以使用这些工具来保持他们的工作区域清洁。”。“给孩子的所有个人物品贴上标签将有助于防止他们的学习用品与他人混淆。一定要与孩子公开谈论如何保护自己。这包括消除他们可能听到的任何谣言或虚假信息的神秘性。”

2。根据临床心理学家萨拉·帕里(Sarah Parry,D.Clin.Psy)的说法,孩子们今年所经历的不确定性可以通过适当的计划、节奏和游戏来平衡。帕里解释说:“我们理解可预测性和稳定性的重要性,这两者在过渡时期都可能受到威胁。”。“然而,当适当的计划到位时,可预测性和稳定性的“锚”就可以被识别出来,并应用于帮助孩子在变化期间感到安全。”帕里补充道,人际关系也可以成为通往恢复力的桥梁。“父母、教育者和孩子之间相互尊重和信任的关系可以在问题和解决方案之间架起桥梁。”


今年秋天,父母和教育者关注孩子的心理健康非常重要。马萨诸塞州总医院和哈佛医学院的儿童和青少年精神病学家、医学博士内哈·乔杜里说:“我们经历了一场集体创伤,今年我们需要以一种不同的方式来对待事情。”。“这意味着为有关心理健康的安全对话留出空间,并在需要时帮助孩子获得正确的帮助,无论是练习应对技能,还是看治疗师或精神病医生进行评估。”n在一些学区,可能需要回归虚拟学习,家长和教育者应该做好充分利用虚拟学习的准备。“首先,检查你是否具备所有合适的技术能力,”德克萨斯农工农业推广服务的副教授Lakshmi Mahadevan博士建议,她建议与孩子的老师会面,并建议家长准备有关预期课堂活动的问题,在会议期间收集每个人的联系信息,并检查您是否有权访问所有文档,无论是虚拟文档还是硬拷贝文档准备和交流对于充分利用在线学习至关重要。


当孩子们在学校遇到困难时,家长不应该觉得有责任在家里扮演“老师”的角色。“记住,如果坚持练习,“少就是多”。”卡尔加里大学的Daniela Fontenelle Tereshchuk博士说,“适合每个家庭独特的动态的简单、连贯的活动可能比在家里覆盖整个课程更有效。问问你的孩子的老师关于你孩子的主要事情。s struggling with and how you can help.”

6. Be Calm As We Carry On

According to Jeffrey Gardere, PhD, Associate Professor of Behavioral Medicine at Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine, it is important for parents to model calmness and confidence in preparing our kids for school re-entry. “The last thing we should be doing as parents is passing fear and anxiety down to our children who have already been through the most challenging time of their education and lives due to COVID,” he says. “Families should practice and role play how to follow COVID protocols, in a serious but fun and entertaining way.” Rehearsing and modeling will make a huge difference for “keeping our kids in the right and safer frame of mind to go back into the new normal of school, with a healthier and less fearful attitude.”

7. Take It Slow

“Everyone is understandably nervous about the start of another uncertain school year, and children will be looking to the adults in their lives for reassurance and guidance,” says Phyllis Fagell, LCPC, school counselor and author of Middle School Matters. “They may need help setting realistic expectations, particularly if they struggled on the virtual learning platform or feel disconnected from friends they haven’t seen in person for more than a year.” Fagell recommends encouraging children to take it slowly and work on building back up to their pre-pandemic schedules, to ensure they get plenty of sleep, and reminding them that it might take some time before they find their place in their friend groups again. She notes, “If kids are feeling more sensitive, they may be more impulsive, so help them regulate their emotions when they experience a social blow so they don’t do something they’ll regret.”

8. Compassion Comes First

Children need to feel safe and secure in order to do their personal best in the classroom. “As parents, we can be mindful and meet our children where they are,” says parenting journalist, author, educator, and nonprofit founder Donna Tetreault. “If a child is fearful, unsure, or concerned about going back to school, as parents we should think about ‘connection’ and ‘compassion’ first.” Tetreault reminds parents to allow children to feel their emotions and to “listen to them—really listen—and then, if needed, ask ‘how can I help you?’ Taking the time to connect and show your child unconditional love will give them the security they need in order to feel stable during these very challenging times.”

9. Prepare Early for Success

It’s important for children to take responsibility for getting ready to go to school, though it’s ultimately a collaboration between kids and parents. “It should actually start the night before, with making sure uniforms are ready to be worn and bags are packed,” says Nicola Yelland, PhD, Professor of Early Childhood Studies at the University of Melbourne. Dr. Yelland encourages parents to help children learn to organize their assignments and keep up with deadlines. “Many schools provide children with a diary in which they record what needs to be done, so parents should plan early and ensure that they are familiar with the system that operates in their school and what is expected of them.”

10. Empowered Advocacy

As Dr. Beth Tarasawa, Executive Vice President of Research at NWEA, points out, the pandemic interrupted learning and exacerbated opportunity gaps for millions of students in the US and across the globe. “Parents of students with learning and attention issues have been among the most vocal advocates pushing school district and state decision makers to use funding and resources in ways that address the needs of students with disabilities,” Tarasawa says. “This type of parental advocacy is needed now more than ever. More specifically, parents can advocate that schools meet the physical, mental, and emotional needs of children, improve distance learning, ensure equitable funding, and provide acceleration opportunities.” For additional resources please visit the National PTA and the National Center for Learning Disabilities.

It’s safe to say that this school year will be unlike any other, which means it’s important for families to be patient, adaptable, and empathetic. Whether your school has returned to in-person education, is continuing online learning, or is somewhere in-between, parents need to make time to communicate honestly and openly with their kids to help ensure that they’re getting the most out of their education. While it won’t always be easy, it will always be worth it.

Since its inception in 2013, Children and Screens: Institute of Digital Media and Child Development, has become one of the nation’s leading non-profit organizations dedicated to advancing and supporting interdisciplinary scientific research, enhancing human capital in the field, informing and educating the public, and advocating for sound public policy for child health and wellness. For more information, head over to childrenandscreens.com.

The post 10 Tips For Navigating Another Unprecedented School Year appeared first on MOTHER.

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Motherlode:我们的顶级每周链接 //www.gunsameica.com/motherlode-august-27-2021/ //www.gunsameica.com/motherlode-august-27-2021/#respond 8月27日星期五16:45:43 +0000 凯蒂Hintz-Zambrano 母亲 喝彩 //www.gunsameica.com/?p=133603






在阿富汗无数悲惨的场景中,一位阿富汗母亲在美国撤离飞机上生下一名女婴https://www.cbsnews.com/news/afghanistan-woman-gives-birth-evacuation/“target=“\u blank”rel=“noopener”>CBS






帕德玛·拉克什米和她的第一个孩子&\8217;书,尼拉的西红柿,由法夫母亲插图胡安娜·马丁内斯·尼尔(Juana Martinez Neal),准备好点菜了!(Amazon书店






碧昂斯推出了IVY Park Kids,还有她自己的孩子。此外,她还为《芭莎》(Bazaar)撰写了封面故事(常春藤公园阿迪达斯https://www.harpersbazaar.com/culture/features/a37039502/beyonce-evolution-interview-2021/“target=“\u blank”rel=“noopener”>Bazaar


Monica+Andy代表目标is here! (Target)

So is Christian Robinson x Target! (Target)

A new kids’ book that teaches kids to embrace their stutter. (Bookshop)

Another new book we’re excited about: A Little Book About…Culture! (A Kids Book About)

Will the new child tax credit end welfare as we know it? (The Atlantic)

Research finds many private schools in the U.S. use inaccurate and racially biased textbooks. (The Guardian)

Why some kids loathe school, and what to do about it. (The Atlantic)

Over 50 cute face masks for kids…and adults! (MOTHER)

Doen’s Warehouse Sale is here! (Doen)

A dreamy work-from-home studio. (Ariel Gordon Jewelry)

Flower sprinkles, anyone? (Clevr)

One mother on love in confinement and facing a tough diagnosis. (MOTHER)

HATCH’s site-wide beauty sale ends today. (HATCH)

Ludacris is now the dad of four daughters. (Instagram)

Awesome brain-boosting STEAM toys for kiddos. (MOTHER)

In case you missed it—the CDC highly recommends pregnant women get vaccinated to protect themselves and their baby. (CDC)

How Amazon killed the name Alexa. (The Atlantic)

Storq has a new color of its beloved diaper change kit. (Storq)

Christina Ricci is pregnant with her second child. (Instagram)

Amanda Gorman on her plans to become president and much more. (WSJ)

It’s almost the end of the month. How did your August horoscope pan out?! (MOTHER)


The post The Motherlode: Our Top Weekly Links appeared first on MOTHER.

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妈妈的话:绞痛、怨恨和愤怒 //www.gunsameica.com/colic-resentment-rage/ //www.gunsameica.com/colic-resentment-rage/#respond 8月26日星期四14:30:37 +0000 凯蒂Hintz-Zambrano 妈妈说 //www.gunsameica.com/?p=132100

The post Mom Talk: Colic, Resentment, &MOTHER.

















公平地说,他试图出现。在最初的几个星期里,他上班迟到了几个小时,这样我就可以在长时间的喂食后有时间睡觉。他会在7点后带杰克下楼,看电视上的体育节目,我会休息到9点或10点。这足以让我至少睡个懒觉urvive the day. There were also some fun times when he really showed up. Like when he would use Jack like a puppet and have him dance across our table, controlling his limbs and grooving to the tunes.

But overall, I was very alone. I felt like it was up to me the way he hoped it could be up to me, not because I wanted to, but because I didn’t feel like I had a choice.

That part of motherhood bootcamp, the divide in our relationship, was almost equally hard when I had the space to acknowledge it. At first, I felt like it was my responsibility to bring Jack to peace because I was the creator, the mother, the vessel. I was the food supply; we were connected internally, and there will always be a piece of him inside of me for the rest of my life. It felt like he was more mine and as a mother, I had a stronger superpower to make it better.

My strongest memory is when I was lying in bed one morning. My mother-in-law was downstairs watching Jack for a moment in a brave attempt to allow me some time to take a nap.

While she was downstairs doing her part to soothe him, I lay in bed and thought, If I don’t wake up, I’ll be okay.

It’s not that I wished to die, but that I had a beautiful life, and I would be okay if it were time to cash in my chips. I was tired. Beyond tired, I was exhausted, and there was no rejuvenation in sight. The birth literally tore me in half and now I had stitches deep within me, holding me together.

They discovered six weeks after the birth that I had been stitched up wrong. Like a sweatshirt whose zipper was only half aligned, they discovered this constant source of pain for me that I shrugged off and attributed to post-delivery pain. It made it impossible to sit down, not that Jack allowed it anyway.

When they discovered my raw, exposed tissue, they singed my tissue with liquid nitrate to kill my nerve endings, and even still, the raw sensitivity persisted. It was so physically and emotionally demanding that I didn’t think I had anything left. I was ready.

In similar moments, but with a hint more energy, I was driven to search for support: “Reasons for colic,” “food sensitivity,” “pain after childbirth,” “postpartum depression,” and “new parent coping.” I can’t remember all the browser history, but every moment I had off, I was searching for answers. Some searches I knew were terrible, but I typed them anyway. I searched for words like “frustrated,” “helpless,” and “giving up.” It didn’t matter the search, I rarely found anything of substance, but I did come upon a quote by Miranda July that made me cry because of how fitting it is:

“If you were wise enough to know that this life would consist mostly of letting go of things you wanted, then why not get good at the letting go, rather than the trying to have?” These exotic revelations bubbled up involuntarily and I began to understand that the sleeplessness and vigilance and constant feedings were a form of brainwashing, a process by which my old self was being molded, slowly but with a steady force, into a new shape: a mother. It hurt. I tried to be conscious while it happened, like watching my own surgery. I hoped to retain a tiny corner of the old me, just enough to warn other women with. But I knew this was unlikely; when the process was complete, I wouldn’t have anything left to complain with, it wouldn’t hurt anymore, I wouldn’t remember.

People would say that at three months it gets better. Some were bold enough to say six months, and then there were the heartless ones that said around a year. I was living on an hourly basis. Make it through this hour, and maybe the next could have relief.

We would do squats. We would drop our knees and hold him close and something about the motion would quiet his screams. Hundreds of squats, up and down all day. It turned into a method of evaluating how hard the night was. “Tonight was a 157-squat kind of night, tonight was only 86 squats.” It was the expectation that my husband would trade off with me when he could handle it. He wanted our roles to be balanced. He wanted to help, but regularly he couldn’t.

Each time I assumed more of the load than he did, he let me. I’d do the soothing for as long as I could bear, and my times went from double to triple his. And as I did more, I knew more, I was growing thicker skin and learning faster.

“Why is he crying?” He’d ask in desperation.

I never knew, but I had come to understand what we needed to try. “Did you check his diaper?”

“Yes, and I tried to feed him, but he won’t take a bottle.”

“He just ate 30 minutes ago.” I knew he saw me feed him, it felt dumbfounding. “Maybe rub his stomach, do his leg presses. Maybe he has gas.”

“What’s wrong with him?” he meant on a bigger scale.

“Nothing is wrong with him.” The question annoyed me. I had heard it too much and I was already done asking.

“Something is wrong with him.”

“He has colic. What else is there to say?”

“But why doesn’t it stop?” He pleaded. You can’t fix this, I wanted to scream. It just is!

Maybe that was the mother’s instinct, understanding faster. It took a long time, but eventually I became relatively accustomed to the screaming and soon, acceptance hit, I felt resentment that my husband couldn’t step up to the situation the way I had. I didn’t acknowledge my role, enabling the very situation I resented.

The craziest part was that by month four, I started to want another one. It wasn’t a conscious choice; it had to be biological. There wasn’t a single ounce of me that could handle another. I hadn’t even healed from the birth yet. But there was something in me that was ready. Something else that was growing. I loved him. Even though he never smiled, even though he couldn’t interact, even though the majority of his life was screaming or sleeping, it was enough. And even in my ugliness, there was still something more beautiful about life. That part of me that went through bootcamp was now strong. He was my everything. I had become a mom.

Are you a mother with something to say? Send us an email to be considered for our “Mom Talk” column.

The post Mom Talk: Colic, Resentment, & Rage appeared first on MOTHER.

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马里兰州的母亲尼基·奥塞·巴雷特(Nikki Osei Barrett)是个忙碌的女人,尤其是最近。除了照顾她的三个孩子,她还是奥塞公共关系的创始人(一家针对各种时尚、美容和生活方式品牌的精品公关机构)、District Motherhued(一家503(c)(3)非盈利的DC area millennial moms of color)和Momference(一场全面的会议)[…;]

邮报Mother Essentials:Nikki Osei Barrett最早出现在母亲

马里兰州的母亲Nikki Osei Barrett是个忙碌的女人,尤其是最近。除了照顾她的三个孩子,她&(8217;他是Osei公关公司(一家针对各种时尚、美容和生活方式品牌的精品公关机构),地区母系色彩(a 503(c)(3)DC地区的非营利组织(千禧一代彩色妈妈)和为黑人母亲举行的一次全面会议,和现在的她&8217;这也是一个新诞生的孩子’;他是个书的作者

正好赶上黑色母乳喂养周(8月25日至8月31日),Nikki已经透露了她即将出版的书的封面,胸部再见,她与Cyana Riley合著的断奶故事(没有太大区别。这本书是为了帮助妈妈和蹒跚学步的孩子们从母乳到奶杯的过渡而写的,它讲述了Nikki如何在22个月的长时间母乳喂养后给她最小的女儿Faye断奶的真实故事胸部再见是第一款以断奶为主题的儿童&8217;这本书是由黑人女性写的,第一部描写黑人主要人物的书



芬太尼起动器套装。&8220;我也喜欢芬太尼皮肤起子套装。这款润肤霜含有SPF,使用起来很顺畅,表面光洁Fenty皮肤启动&8217;r套$40,丝芙兰 < < /EM> < /P> < P> <强>去裸唇膏。< /强>和8220;我目前选择的lippie是熔岩蛋糕中的NYX黄油光泽。一个好的裸体色调可以让你从早到晚都保持清醒NYX黄油光泽,$5,Keurig K-Mini单杯咖啡豆咖啡机,69.99美元,

有意义的蜡烛。&8220;我喜欢在办公室和家里点蜡烛。Lindsey创造了可爱、专横的蜡烛,闻起来很棒,让你在可爱的阶段保持动力,比如,‘;大客户’;和‘;已付发票’;正如该品牌所说,;这些不仅仅是蜡烛。他们’;重新转变心态<蜡烛,25美元https://shop.lindseycreated.com/“target=“\u blank”rel=“noopener”>Lindsey创建了

为我妈妈的服装设计风格。&8220;我妈拿走了我所有的钱!他们为小女孩准备了最可爱、最时尚的服装和配饰。我最近买的东西was their Jia Romper.” Jia Romper, $30, Style Me Momma.

Play Pits Deodorant. “I switched to natural deodorant at the end of 2019 and I swear by Play Pits, which is a Black-owned, mom-owned natural deodorant brand, created for kids. They also have an adult line. My son Nick and I both use Play Pits and it keeps us dry and smelling fresh, even in the dead of summer!” Family Combo Pack, $19.80, Play Pits.

Lashes. “I just learned how to apply strip lashes myself! Lashes are essential to my daily look, and my go-to’s are Camara AUnique Beauty lashes. Her faith-based lash line features lashes specifically named after iconic women from the Bible with an intent to make their stories relatable to what visionary, faith-focused women do everyday.” Lashes, $25, Camara AUnique Beauty.

Exercise. “Exercise is how I decompress. I enjoy lifting and cardio, but my current exercise of choice is step aerobics via Extreme Step. I go to classes and also step at home with Coach DG on YouTube.” Get Fit With DG via YouTube.

Go-To Fragrances. “I love a good scent; right now I’m wearing Maison Franics Kurkdijan and Philosophy Grace Ballet Rose.” Maison Franics Kurkdijan Satin Mood Eau de Parfum, $300, Neiman Marcus. Amazing Grace Ballet Rose Eau de Parfum, $62, Ulta.   

The Bible App. “I’m a believer, and there’s absolutely no way I could get through the day without my morning word and scriptures to lean on. The Bible app has a verse of the day format that’s kind of like an Insta story, featuring different pastors from across the globe, devotionals, and a closing prayer. It’s how I start the day, and I check my Bible app throughout the day for reinforcement and encouragement.” YouVersion.com/the-bible-app

Wakati Reactivating Conditioning Mist. “This keeps Faye’s and Nick’s hair moisturized, and makes detangling and styling breezy without weighing the hair down. It’s the only product I use on their hair (besides shampoo).” Wakati Conditioning Mist, $12.19, Target.

Ami Colé Products. “My new favorite beauty brand is Ami Colé. It’s a clean beauty brand created with melanin women in mind. The brand’s Skin Enhancing Tint is fabulous! It’s perfect for summertime when it’s too damn hot for a full beat (although, I’m here for a full face when the temps drop). The founder, Diarrha N’Diaye-Mbaye, is a Glossier alum, and she was in her bag when she created this formulation. The finish is satiny smooth, with subtle dewy glisten. Ami Colé nailed no makeup, makeup.” Skin-Enhancing Tint, $32, Ami Colé.

SheaMoisture Baby Lotion. “This is yet another product we were introduced to at The Momferece. It smells amazing, and it’s all that I use on Faye Faye!” SheaMoisture Raw Shea Chamomile & Argan Oil Baby Lotion, $7.99, Target.

Relaxing With Lavender. “I love the scent of lavender, and at the end of a long stressful day I like to light lavender-scented candles and soak with Dr. Teal’s Lavender Epsom salt.” Dr Teals Lavender Epsom Salt, $4.89, Target. 

Huggies Natural Care Wipes. “These are the only wipes I use on Faye Faye. They’re thick enough to clean off sticky faces and hands, and are unscented and gentle enough to use on more delicate areas.” Huggies Natural Care Baby Wipes 3-Pack, $12.48, Amazon.

FENDI Carryall & Kicks. “I carry my FENDI tote daily. I purchased it right after I had my daughter, (Fancy) Faye, in 2019. I had a traditional diaper bag, but I wanted a large, elevated tote to carry my baby essentials in. Paired with my matching FENDI sneakers, and I look cool, polished, and put together for my daily errands.” FENDI Glazed Fabric Calfskin Tote, $1305, Fashionphile. FENDI Rockoko Knit Sneakers, $870, Neiman Marcus.

Carmex Lip Balm. “I keep 2 to 3 Carmex Classic Lip Balms in my purse at all times. This balm soothes, heals, and moisturizes lips better than anything else.” Carmex Classic Lip Balm Medicated Tube, $4.89 for 4-Pack, Target. 

DMV Mom Crew. “I co-founded District Motherhued with my good sis, Simona Noce Wright, in 2016. We’ve created the ultimate community for Black, millennial moms, and I’d be lost without my mom squad and #DMVMomTribe.” @districtmotherhued and @missnocepr on Instagram.

Jesus Calling. “I love the Jesus Calling devotional by Sarah Young. It’s a 365-day devotional, and too many times to count each day the scripture and message was relevant to exactly what I was going through at the time.” Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence, written by Sarah Young, $7.53, Amazon. 

Mommy & Me Style. “Call me corny, but I love coordinating outfits with my children. I’ve been doing this for over 15 years (before Instagram was a thing and you could document it!). My house might look like a tornado blew through it, but when we step out, our outfits will be coordinated!”

For more Mother Essentials, peep our past columns with Blair Paysinger of Post 21, Idia Lanlokun of Ola & Mide, Karam Kim of Bluecut aprons, children’s authors Evan Sargent and Joanna HoEli Yonas of Toki Mats, Shaina Kerrigan of Molly J., Jenna Levine of LINNÉ botanicals, Eunice Byun of Material, and Sandra Lin of Kiwi Co.

The post Mother Essentials: Nikki Osei-Barrett appeared first on MOTHER.

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在家里与陶艺家和两个孩子的母亲琳达萧 //www.gunsameica.com/linda-hsiao-burts-bees/ //www.gunsameica.com/linda-hsiao-burts-bees/#respond 2021年8月24日星期二13:30:47+0000 凯蒂Hintz-Zambrano 母亲 特色 母亲 //www.gunsameica.com/?p=132877

洛杉矶的母亲兼陶艺家琳达·萧(Linda Xiao)在流感大流行期间酝酿了很多事情。她在封锁令生效后就住进了一个新家,在她的新工作室里手工制作了数百件美丽的作品,并准备迎接一个新婴儿进入她三口之家(这也是[…;]

帖子与陶艺家在家&;两个孩子的母亲Linda Xiao首先出现在母亲

< img宽度= " 1000 "高度= " 666 " src = " //www.gunsameica.com/wp - content/uploads/2021/08/linda hsaio伯特-蜜蜂- 2. - jpg”类=“attachment-full size-full wp-post-image“alt = "风格=“保证金:10 px汽车;显示:块;“srcset = " //www.gunsameica.com/wp content/uploads/2021/08/linda hsaio -伯特的蜜蜂- 2. jpg 1000 w,//www.gunsameica.com/wp content/uploads/2021/08/linda hsaio -伯特的蜜蜂- 2 - 360 - x240.jpg 360 w, //www.gunsameica.com/wp content/uploads/2021/08/linda hsaio -伯特的蜜蜂- 2 - 768 - x511.jpg 768 w, //www.gunsameica.com/wp content/uploads/2021/08/linda hsaio -伯特的蜜蜂- 2 - 254 - x170.jpg 254 w "大小= " (max-width:住在洛杉矶的母亲和陶艺家 < p > Earth-loving妈妈也要试驾< a href = " https://www.burtsbees.com/baby-and-mama/shop-all-mama-and-baby/?utm_source=partner& utm_medium = sponsored& utm_campaign = MotherMag”目标=“平等”rel = " noopener " >伯特的蜜蜂< / >最受欢迎的自然起源产品为整个家庭,包括< a href = " https://www.target.com/p/burt - 39 -蜜蜂妈妈蜜蜂-滋养身体-油- 4 - oz/ /a - 11691653 # lnk = sametab”目标=“平等”rel = " noopener " >妈妈蜜蜂滋养身体油< / >,< a href = " https://www.target.com/p/burt - 39 -蜜蜂宝宝除尘粉- 7 - 5 - oz/ /a - 12963939 # lnk = sametab”目标=“平等”rel = " noopener " >婴儿爽身粉< / >,Burt’洗< / >。 Find out more about the plant-powered ingredients that fill these soothing products, while Linda gives us a virtual tour of her inspiring space.

This post is brought to you by Mother + Burt’s Bees.

Packaging may vary, as Burt’s Bees Baby & Mama products have a new look with the same nature-loving ingredients.

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50+适合儿童和成人的可爱面膜! //www.gunsameica.com/face-masks-for-kids/ //www.gunsameica.com/face-masks-for-kids/#respond 2021年8月20日星期五15:00:37+0000 凯蒂Hintz-Zambrano 风格 //www.gunsameica.com/?p=114027


. src="//www.gunsameica.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Facemasks-for-Kids-2021.jpg" class=" attach- full size-full wp-post-image" alt="" style="margin:10px auto;//www.gunsameica.com/wp - content/uploads/2020/10/facemasks——孩子——2021 - 360 x240.jpg 360 w, //www.gunsameica.com/wp - content/uploads/2020/10/facemasks——孩子——2021 - 768 x511.jpg 768 w, //www.gunsameica.com/wp content/uploads/2020/10/facemasks -为孩子- 2021 - 254 - x170.jpg 254 w "大小= " (max-width:这是回到学校的时候了!今年有这么多孩子重返教室,最重要的返校配件无疑是面具。下面,我们收集了一些我们最喜欢的、时尚又有效的儿童(还有一些成人!)的口罩。从大胆、坚实的版本到好玩的全身印花,甚至一些配套的妈咪和amp;我的风格。


. //www.gunsameica.com/face-masks-for-kids/feed/ 0
蹒跚学步时期的生存技巧 //www.gunsameica.com/toddler-behavior-tips/ //www.gunsameica.com/toddler-behavior-tips/#comments 8月20日星期五13:00:09 +0000 凯蒂Hintz-Zambrano 母亲 //www.gunsameica.com/?p=23088



学步儿童他们’;你真可爱。当然,考虑到他们经常给父母带来的痛苦,他们需要这样做。从大发脾气到公然违抗家规,这些小人物都喜欢按我们的按钮。而且它不’;不要停止所谓的&8220;可怕的二人组”;对一些孩子来说“;可怕的三”;变成我们一位朋友所说的“;f*ck it fours.&8221;为了帮助应对这些艰难时刻,我们点击了Brigette Maas,一位注册游戏治疗师,在爱荷华州的Council Bluffs与儿童及其家庭一起工作。在这里,三个孩子的母亲为我们的工具箱装满了普通幼儿/小“的可能解决方案;大孩子”;难题。看看下面她蹒跚学步的行为提示

帮助他们描述自己的感受。孩子们经常在他们可以的时候发牢骚;我找不到语言来描述他们的情绪。教孩子说什么“;挫折”;和“;愤怒”;你的意思是,除其他感受外,这将帮助你找到他们问题的根源,并有望阻止他们的抱怨。为了帮助您的孩子了解他们的许多感受,Maas推荐以下孩子’;s图书:我的感受脱皮怎么样?有情绪的食物冷静时间当我感到愤怒时https://amzn.to/3j5cE0q“target=“\u blank”rel=“noopener”>当我嫉妒时


给他们一个婴儿。这个年龄段的儿童仍然需要成年人的大量培养和联系。而不是说“;你’;你是个大男孩,表现得像个大男孩一样;Maas建议留出五分钟的时间让你的孩子成为一个婴儿(也就是说,感觉受到了养育)。这意味着把他们抱在怀里,告诉他们婴儿时的样子,唱一首歌,告诉他们你爱他们什么,等等。五分钟结束后,说“;好了,查理现在能回来了吗?我喜欢他是如何长大的” 并指出你的孩子现在可以做的事情,比如帮他洗盘子,跳,在游戏室里玩。很可能,你的孩子会想要“;成长”;马上,有时在他/她五分钟的分娩时间结束之前。如果您的孩子还需要更多“;婴儿时代”;让他知道,他只需要用他的话,并提出要求。


试试贴纸&;宋。Maas,她为自己的儿子寻求帮助’;她说,有人建议她开始制作一个贴纸图表“我打印了一个盘子,让他在试新t时在盘子上贴上食物标签hings,” she explains. She and her family also now sing a silly song in which each member picks up a piece of food and sings about it: “This is the way we smell our food (sniff sniff…smell the food), this is the way we kiss our food (so it has to touch their mouth), this is the way we chomp our food (act like an animal and be dramatic).” If your kid spits out his food? Maas says don’t sweat it. At least he tried it. (For more tips on dealing with picky eaters, click here!)

Focus on Connecting. “A lot of early childhood research shows kids act out when they have a need to connect with us, prove they are capable, need to be challenged/stimulated more, or they feel like things are too chaotic and need help soothing (a nap, a snack, taking deep breaths, taking space away from everyone, running, jumping, playing, listening to music, hugs, etc.),” says Maas. “I love this list of 30 Joyful Ways to Connect with Your Child in Under 10 Minutes by Sue Lively.”

Keep Reading. There are plenty of great books for parents that help them navigate this tricky time. Maas likes 1-2-3 Magic: Effective Discipline for Children 2-12, 1-2-3 Magic For Kids, Parenting From The Inside Out, Discipline: The Brazelton Way, Touchpoints: Birth to Three, and Touchpoints: Three to Six.

The post Survival Tips For The Toddler Years appeared first on MOTHER.

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如何举办更环保的生日派对 //www.gunsameica.com/eco-friendly-birthday-party/ //www.gunsameica.com/eco-friendly-birthday-party/#respond 2021年8月19日星期四19:32:04+0000 凯蒂Hintz-Zambrano 生活 母亲 特色 //www.gunsameica.com/?p=133404

如何举办一个更环保的生日聚会< / >第一次出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.gunsameica.com " > < / >。< / p >

随着2021-2022年返校季节的到来,所有这些孩子和生日派对都将受到邀请。而今年的派对队伍可能会比大流行前更小、更低调(查看我们关于抛出a安全的家庭庆祝活动),但有一件事是一样的,孩子和成人生日派对产生的浪费肯定可以得到控制。为了给我们一些建议,让我们下一次聚会更环保,我们&8217;已经联系了总部位于旧金山的母亲Friday Apaliski,可持续发展礼宾部。从气球替代品到最好的以堆肥为中心的食物摊,看看她在这里举办更环保的生日派对的秘诀吧!(请把它们传给你的朋友!)



盘子、餐具和餐巾纸。如果你选择手指食物,你不一定需要盘子或餐具,但如果有一个特定的盘子(包括蛋糕)你非常想吃,Apaliski建议使用自己的盘子、餐具和餐巾纸,或购买真正可堆肥的。这意味着它们没有闪光、光泽或奇特的纹理或图案(纸制品上的任何塑料涂层意味着它们不能回收或堆肥)。寻找可堆肥的纸张或竹子选项(我们喜欢这些乐趣彩虹纸杯而不是所谓的“;可堆肥塑料。”;Apaliski使用了这些可堆肥塑料https://amzn.to/3CThdTr“target=“\u blank”rel=“noopener”>forks板材https://amzn.to/3xSS07T“target=“\u blank”rel=“noopener”“>餐巾纸在过去。诀窍是找到一些表示可堆肥的东西,因为这个词有一个与“有机”一词非常相似的法律定义。她解释道。所以忘掉所有其他词(可生物降解的、植物基的、马铃薯制品等)阿帕利斯基说,要坚持只使用可堆肥的材料。”;

装饰物。立即关闭气球。它们不仅有可能最终进入海洋,而且用来炸毁气球的氦是一种有限的资源,最近出现了短缺。与其使用气球,不如选择一种可以在一年后取出的气泡机三年。在试用了许多选项后,Apaliski说:https://amzn.to/37Tun4t“target=“\u blank”rel=“noopener”>泡泡机是最好的、最持久的!至于其他装饰,请考虑寻找(在Craigslist或Buy Nothing论坛上)或购买布条和其他可以继续使用的布、纸或木制装饰(Etsy has a treasure trove of options). Avoid buying items that feature the “number” of each birthday, so that they are evergreen. Once you have a small box of reusable birthday decor (and maybe the spare #7 candle), you can offer it up to other parents who have birthdays coming up, encouraging them to reuse and buy less. Also: consider flowers as decoration, small potted plants (that you might give as take-home gifts), and DIY leaf confetti if you’re crafty!

Activities. For smaller kids, the bubble machine and park equipment might be enough! Meanwhile, investing in a singer, storyteller, magician, superhero, band, or bubble person is a great way to support local performers in your community. Renting things—like a bounce house or inflatable costumes—is also a good choice, as are classic board games, egg hunts, playing sports, pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey, etc.

Gifts. Second-hand toys—especially for young kids—are a great idea. Same goes for gifting an experience, durable wooden toys that you’ll pass down, a gift card to a local shop, or even wrapping up library books! (Copy this wise mama of three’s idea here!)

Attendee Gifts. Instead of a plastic bag filled with tiny plastic toys that inevitably end up in a landfill, Apaliski suggests gifting your attendees a book (from the aforementioned book exchange), flower or veggie seeds, paper bags of homemade popcorn, a gift certificate to a local eatery, scoop shop, or store, or a tiny mason jar filled with DIY play-doh. Check out Apaliski’s favorite (and easy) play-doh recipe—which can even double as an activity to do at the party!

Gift Wrap. When wrapping gifts for your kid’s (or another kid’s) birthday, think about packaging that can be recycled or reused. Cloth bags and wrapping is a solid choice—check out Etsy’s furoshiki section or make your own from napkins and other textiles found at thrift stores or estate sales. Or find a 100% recyclable wrap, like newspaper or simple Kraft paper, that you can jazz up with colored pencil designs. Similar to plates and cups, you want to avoid gift wrapping with glitter, shine, etc. Of course, if you are gifted flashy paper or bows, hang on to them to wrap a future gift. As we know, there’s always another birthday around the corner.

Not ready to throw a party just yet? Check out these tips for How To Celebrate Your Kids’ Birthday in Lockdown.

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母亲必备:Blair Paysinger //www.gunsameica.com/blair-paysinger-mother-essentials/ //www.gunsameica.com/blair-paysinger-mother-essentials/#respond 2021年8月18日星期三18:00:04+0000 凯蒂Hintz-Zambrano 母亲的必需品 母亲 特色 //www.gunsameica.com/?p=133460

母亲必需品:布莱尔Paysinger < / >第一次出现在< rel =“nofollow”href = " //www.gunsameica.com " > < / >。< / p >

而她在广告和艺术方面的研究以及设计背景方面的明确准备Blair Paysinger对于她的第一次创业努力,也远不止这些“支持黑人的强烈热情是我的动力”;这位位于洛杉矶的两个孩子的母亲解释道,她是这家有一年历史的电子通信网站的创始人https://post21shop.com/“target=“\u blank”rel=“noopener”数据安全重定向URL=”https://www.google.com/url?q=https://post21shop.com/&;source=gmail&;ust=1629317931740000&;usg=AFQjCNEKpMS-KNOk7S0hK2jKJq60dNzg9Q“>Post 21,一个全面的在线市场,以黑人拥有的企业为特色“作为一名黑人女性,我’;多年来,我就知道市场上没有这种产品,我很高兴能把它变成现实



葡萄酒。&&8220;我的意思是,我想这一个解释了自己。这对我自己来说意味着一个甜蜜的时刻,不管我周围发生了什么。&&8221;麦克布莱德姐妹黑人女孩魔术三重唱,61.72美元,Clover Baby&;Kids

可爱的魔术贴童鞋。&&8220;魔术贴让一切变得简单!就连我两岁的孩子都可以自己穿脱鞋子。这也有助于培养独立性。&&8221;Nike Blazer Mid&&8217;77美元,60美元,Foot Locker


山顶咖啡&马克杯。&8220;咖啡不仅是我的必需品,也是我日常生活的一部分hing warm and creamy waiting for me gets me out of bed each morning. Hilltop’s breakfast sandwich is an added bonus when I go to one of the locations.” Hilltop Coffee, $18, and Mug, $23, Hilltop.

Good Moms Podcast. “I am an introvert and enjoy my quiet time, so in the car I ofter don’t even realize I’m not playing any music. But when I want to listen to something, this is my go-to. The hosts are great moms and women and talk about things I often would never even think about.” GoodMomsBadChoices.com.

Vaseline. “We have these hidden all over our house, in every bag, and in both cars. We use it for a number of things like chapstick, diaper rash, and lotion.” Vaseline Healing Jelly Cocoa Butter, $8.96, Amazon.

Pattern Hair Products. “Figuring out the right product for curly hair is a long journey. I’m very happy to have figured out what works for me and my daughter. Pattern makes hair care one less thing on my mind—and they also have a subscription!” Pattern Hair Products, $24 and up, Pattern by Tracee Ellis Ross.

Art. “Art is something else I have to have in my life. This artwork is bomb because it doubles as a puzzle. Art keeps me going and inspires every area of my life.” Three Fine Art Puzzle, $90, Post 21.

Peloton Bike. “Working out is essential, and I really love how immersive the Peloton classes are. Another great thing is that they have other classes like yoga, so it does double duty.” Peloton Bike, $1,895, Peloton.

Lashes. “It may seem silly, and also costly. However, I’ve found through the traditions of pregnancy, 4th trimester, and Covid, this small thing has helped me continue to feel like myself. Waking up and looking a bit more pulled together has been a saving grace to my mental health.”

Adidas Slides. “I wear these daily and year around, because Los Angeles. I have two pair, and I’m waiting for them to bring back the green and tan so my life can be complete.” Adilette Slides, $45, Adidas.

Henry Masks. “I love the design of these, they are so breathable and easy to clean. The best part is it’s a subscription, so I don’t have to think about it. They also have a kids’ sizes!” Neutral Masks 4-Pack, $49.95, Henry.

Sunscreen. “Another life necessity. This one we love because it doesn’t leave any white residue.” Black Girl Sunscreen SPF 30, $18.99, Black Girl Sunscreen.

Marble Candle. “Small luxuries throughout the house/day have really proved to change my whole mood.” Marble Refillable Candle, $68, Post 21.

Mom Hoodie. “A mom tribe is just soooo crucial, and mine is strong! This brand is from my mom tribe and promotes mom tribes.” Somebody’s Mama Hoodie, $130, Mindfulfee.

Family Calendar. “A personal calendar is obviously important, but as the kids get older the family calendar has become just as important. We have a shared email so we can add to a shared calendar on our phones, and also now have this physical option—first to keep the images, and secondly because when I can see what’s coming I can plan for it.” Modern Wall Calendar, $39, Artifact Uprising.

Night Prayer Routine. “We have a prayer that we say all together every night, and then both my kids get a chance to share what’s on their heart. This really centers me each night and shows me what they are thinking about. I smile each time and know I’m making my ancestors proud.”

Portable Charger. “I 100% will forget to charge my phone, so I try and keep this with me. I like this one because it can go directly into the wall, because I will forget to charge this as well.” Lezchi Portable Power Bank, $39.99, Amazon.

A Husband Who Understands. “Last, but certainly not least, my husband has been essential to my motherhood journey. He knows what me and the kids need before we need it, and does so many things without being asked.”

For more Mother Essentials, peep our past columns with Idia Lanlokun of Ola & Mide, Karam Kim of Bluecut aprons, children’s authors Evan Sargent and Joanna Ho, Eli Yonas of Toki Mats, Shaina Kerrigan of Molly J., Jenna Levine of LINNÉ botanicals, Eunice Byun of Material, and Sandra Lin of Kiwi Co.

The post Mother Essentials: Blair Paysinger appeared first on MOTHER.

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